One of the main steps towards the Eagle rank is to carry out a community service project. Attached is the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook: Eagle Project Workbook (384 downloads ) This version is current as of the writing of this post on March 31st, 2020. You should always check with the national website to verify you are using the correct version. They will not approve the project with old forms.
Read the instructions and the whole workbook before you start writing up your proposal. If you would like a project coach or adviser, ask the Scoutmaster. When you request project approval, you must get approval signatures from the beneficiary, Scoutmaster (SM) and Troop Committee Chairman (TCC), before you get the District Advancement Chair (DAC) approval. A smart thing to do would be to get a tentative approval from the beneficiary and then simultaneously submit the project via e-mail to both the SM & TCC. They can let you know if the project is worthy of being an Eagle project or if it might be overly complex. If they feel it is worthy, then you can start getting approval signatures.
When submitting your proposal, it should have no blanks other than the approval signatures. Ask the SPL or other scouts that have recently made Eagle for help if you need it.
Need a project idea?
Or search the internet:
Or ask the Eagles scouts who have gone before you how they found their project.
When considering project ideas, remember that there are guidelines for fundraising (contained in the workbook), tool safety “Age Guidelines for Tool Use and Work at Elevations or Excavations” (National website) and such. Review all the documents so that you don’t hit any unforseen snags. You should keep your Eagle scout coach appraised of major milestones along the way like: project proposal approved, project plan completed, project completed it would be nice to tell them other stuff as you see fit.
Once you complete your project, merit badges and all other requirements, you’ll need to submit an Eagle scout application. Eagle Scout Application (308 downloads ) Again, this version is current as of the writing of this post on March 31st, 2020. You should always check with the national website to verify you have the most current version.
This special procedure is to be used during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Eagle Scout Process: COVID-19 (335 downloads ) (currently to September 1, 2020)